Looking for a safe and convenient source of high quality drinking water for your home? If you love clean, delicious drinking water and beautiful copper, the Sertodo Sana Vida Copper Water Filter System is for you!
Our newest innovation combines the state of the art filters with elegant design and pure copper to give you the highest quality drinking water in any situation.
America’s Water Crisis
Accessing clean and safe drinking water is not a given in our modern world, even here in the United States.
A recent article in Scientific American highlights the ‘forever’ chemicals that most likely contaminate the drinking water of a majority of Americans.
Scientists call these ‘forever’ chemicals or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) due to their persistence and resistance to breaking down in the environment for hundreds and even thousands of years.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) has stated the potential health effects of PFAs or forever chemicals ranging from thyroid disease, liver damage, kidney and testicular cancer to immune dysfunction and pregnancy-induced preeclampsia.
The most alarming thing about these chemicals is our widespread exposure to them, as PFAS are a group of chemicals widely used in everyday products to make stain resistant fabric, non-stick cookware, adhesives, food packaging, furniture, clothing, etc...
As a result, PFAs show up literally everywhere, including surface and groundwater, the polar ice caps, soil, the atmosphere and even the human body.

This recent investigation done by the Guardian and Consumer Reports to test the safety of tap water across the country found alarming levels of arsenic, lead and toxic chemicals to be widespread!
Apart from contamination that jeopardizes your water and health, the periodic failure of municipal water systems has exacerbated urban crises across the country. Here in Austin, Texas we have experienced three week long boil water notices over the past five years.
Safe drinking water is not a given across the U.S., or the world. That is why you and your family need a good quality water filter system to ensure you have safe, clean drinking water free from chemicals and pollutants.
Take out all the guesswork and go for a Copper Water Filter System that will keep you safe from harmful contaminants every day.
The Sana Vida Copper Water Filter System uses the most advanced gravity feed filters available in the market to remove more than 99% of contaminants and bring your water to a quality that is above and far beyond standards set by the EPA for safe drinking water.
With Copper's natural health and purifying properties, combined with the most advanced gravity filter available, this system ensures clean and safe drinking water for your entire family every single day.
But first, a little bit more about copper and copper water
Across civilizations for thousands of years, copper has been utilized for storing water and for its powerful health properties.
Modern science recognizes its antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties, which means it helps to reduce harmful contaminants in our environment.
The EPA recently announced that certain copper alloys provide long-term effectiveness against viruses, continually killing the viruses that come into contact with them, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
This works due to the oligodynamic effects of copper. Stated simply - a free copper ion that acts as a tactical special forces soldier going out and neutralizing the bad guys.
According to this article by Shantiva, the oligodynamic effect is a natural phenomenon defined as "the ability of small amounts of copper to sterilize and exert a lethal effect on bacteria cells".
This study also concludes that copper ions have a toxic effect on spores, fungi, algae, viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms when used as a water vessel.
Throughout history, storing water in copper has been prized for many benefits to our well being, including joints, skin, boosting your immunity, improving digestion, and balancing energies.
You can also learn more about our copper water dispenser and the Ayurvedic wisdom behind drinking water from copper vessels here.
What makes our Sertodo Copper Water Filter System best in the market?
Firstly, a great quality water filter system should have an advanced filter that reduces the various drinking water contaminants effectively.
These contaminants in our water include sediments, pathogenic bacteria, chlorine, fluoride, herbicides, PFAS’s and lead.
In order to create the highest quality copper water filter system in the market, we have partnered with British Berkefeld to bring you the Ultra Sterasyl® Water Filter Candle. It's the only NSF certified Gravity Filter that reduces 99.9% bacteria, PFAS (Forever Chemicals) & microplastics from your tap water.
Our Sana Vida Copper Water Filter System has capacity for 4 Ultra Sterasyl filters. We highly recommend a minimum of 2 water filters for maximum filtration rate and longevity.
The combination of a microfilter ceramic outer, granular activated carbon and heavy metal removal media effectively remove a wide range of contaminants including bacteria, trace organics, enhanced organics, pharmaceuticals, forever chemicals and heavy metals such as lead.
Learn more about our Ultra Sterasyl water filter candles here.
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So, why use Sertodo Copper Water Filter System in your home?
Our Sana Vida Copper Water Filter System invests in your long-term quality with two solid copper vessels, hand hammered, and made to last a lifetime, guaranteed. We pair them with superior quality water filters.
Having a great water filter system yields long-term benefits for you and your loved ones' health ensuring your access to high quality water. When you add copper into the mix, you have even more layers of benefits used by civilizations throughout time.
It also includes a high quality stainless steel spigot that allows you to control the flow of water with ease
Copper is extremely pleasing to the eye and instantly adds elegance to any room in your house!
If you have been a long-term fan of all things copper, our Sertodo Copper Water Filter System is a must-have for this day and age.
Final Word On Sertodo Copper Water Filter System
The Sertodo Copper Water Filter System is the perfect choice for any household that wants filtered, clean and safe drinking water day every day and in any circumstances.
With the rising threat of viruses and water related diseases, a Copper Water Filter System is a great way to help you stay safe and healthy!
Lastly, having our Sertodo Copper Water Filter System at your home ensures that you will not stop having access to safe drinking water when natural disasters happen, or when water systems in your area experience temporary failures.
With our Copper Water Filter System in your corner, you will get to enjoy high quality, tasty drinking water 24/7, all day and all year round.
Now that you know more about our revolutionary Sertodo Copper Water Filter system, place your order for yours right away.
It's time to give yourself peace and your home more beauty with our Copper Water Filter System.
Watch this video below to get a close up look at our Copper Water Filter System.
To order, visit our Copper Water Filter System page here!
- https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/31/americas-tap-water-samples-forever-chemicals
- https://www.businessinsider.com.au/cities-worst-tap-water-us-2019-3?r=US&IR=T
- https://www.nepjol.info/index.php/NJST/article/view/2959/2580
- https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/forever-chemicals-are-widespread-in-u-s-drinking-water/
- https://www.cdc.gov/biomonitoring/PFAS_FactSheet.html
- https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/pfas/health-effects/index.html
- https://www.epa.gov/ccl/types-drinking-water-contaminants
- https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/public/water_diseases.html
- https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/public/water_quality.html
- https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-registers-copper-surfaces-residual-use-against-coronavirus